Saturday, October 12, 2013

Journal 6

How was the confidentiality code violated with the mother?  The mother's information should have never been placed on the door. The teacher should have placed that information in a secure place.

How was the confidentiality code violated with the child? Teacher do not have any right to gossips with each other at work or away from work. It was very wrong for the teacher to have had the conversation that they had.

Do you think there should have been a discussion between the two directors concerning Eric's disability prior to his enrollment?  No I do not feel that the two directors should have had any discussion.

Who should have been at the meeting. The family (mother,father, child, grandparent ect...all should be welcome), Teachers, and both directors.

Do you think a conversation with Eric's classmate would have been helpful? Yes.

List some methods that might have eased  Eric's transition to his new school. Have a meet and greet. I thinks this is the best way for families and staff to get to know each other. Have Eric met his new classmate before his first day of school. Allow him to have his stuff toy, that was is comfort zone.

How do you feel about the teacher's conversation at the restaurant? Very unprofessional. She has not right telling other people business. If she felt the need to have the conversation, she should have not used any names.

What if the conversation happened in the staff lounge at the center? If it was my center and I heard it, they both would have been written up on a final warning and if it ever happened again, this would be cause for termination.

Do you think the mother should leave her child in that school? No I do not think she should leave her child in that school.

We as providers have to maintain the code of confidentiality. We want families to be able to communicate with us and share sensitive family needs and situation, so we must gain and maintain trust with our families.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Joural 5

Staff Meeting agenda

Subject: Performance Improvement
Location: 22222 Sugaland Lane Rm 222
Date: Oct 6th 2013
Time: 6pm to 7pm
Attendees: All staff members
Chair person: Sharaye Williams

Agenda Items:
1. Attendance
2. Advanced education opportunities
3. Out of class room supervision
4. Ratio review
5. Team talk

Staff meeting are important because this will help keep all staff members on the same page, provides value information on upcoming events and opportunities, and allows staff to voice concerns on any matters.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Journal 4

How does it feel when someone does not use your name, gives you the cold shoulder, does not make eye contact and greets you with complaints?

When someone does not use my name or mispronounces my name sometimes I do get offended, that gets to me. I feel that one of the first things that you should do when you are getting to know someone whether it's business or a friendship is to learn how to properly learn how to pronounce their name, a person name is a direct reflection of them. Some names are hard to pronounce, I happen to have one of those names, I do not mind if people ask me how "how do you say that" or " How do you spell that", you are showing me that you are trying to get to know me in some form, and that's a positive start. 

When some one give me the cold should, first of all I want to make sure it's a cold should, sometimes we miss read people.A cold shoulder to me is a problem or the start to one. I like to make sure and when I become sure I will pull that person to the side, in a appropriate manor and see where their feelings are at, they may have something going on that may not involve me at all, but they may need a shoulder to lean on, or it maybe me, maybe they did not know how to approach the situation and this give them an opportunity to be able to do so. Regardless to what the situation maybe, communication is going to be the first step to getting situation resolved. 

Eye contact is very important, we are taught this as young children. Eye contact shows the conversation has merit. Eye contacts shows that you are listening to me, that I have your attention and when asked certain question eye contact will allow me to see if I am being understood. 

There is a way to complain. I do not want our first greeting of the day to start on a negative note. Say hello, how are you today. Let a person be greeted with a smile and hello, see what their mood is first. If you greet a person with complaints and their day has already started the wrong way before seeing you, you maybe come part of that bad start. Not that your complaints are not justified, It's just a time and a way to express yourself.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Journal 3

Page 18.

Rules are in place to make sure that things run smooth, without rules peolple would do anything they want to do. So for me everyone must follow the rules, even if some may feel that its nothing to break a rule, it's just a little rule, I wouldn't have a rule that was being enforced for no good reason. So I would have to ask all parents to follow the rules to promote a safe and healthy envioment for all children.

Page 19.

I will give all my staff the same oppuntity to have special days and times off. I know there will be a time when a staff member my have a situation that requires some special attention to their schedule, I hope that my bond and my repore with my staff will allow me to make those decision as need be, if and when I can not consult with my staff as a whole about schedules being changed. I would be willing to work myself to cover the shift and times my staff my need off, I lead by example. I feel that if they know if am willing to work with them (staff) they will be willing to work with me.

Page 22

I never handle confrontation when I am upset, thats how alot of situation go wrong. You have to keep a cool head when working with children/Families and even Co-workers. You should always maintain your cool and never let a situation get the best of you. I would take some one using one of my ideals as a complaintant, I would smile and keep going, I would not let them know that they got the best of me. I would jsut use my creavtiy and coem up with something else. The next time I had an ideal I would not share it until I used it, but if I had other ideals that were just as good I would share those.

Page 23

Parents can be very protective you their children, and any cause of concern for a parent needs to be a concern for the staff and the program. No matter what the situation maybe, take time to listen, alot of parents just want some one to hear the problem and understand. Once you listen and understand what the concerns of the parants are you can work from there, first start off with an apology (don't think about right or wrong at this time) just apologize for how they are feeling. Let the parent/ family  know that a careful eye is keep on the children , but unfortantly things will happen. Let the parent know that an incident report will be filed and both parties will be notified.I would also in the future keep a closer eye ( observe) on the child that cuase the situation to see if there are any more problems and if so ways to change the behavior.

The 6 C's of Communication
Postive Communication.
1. Clarity
2. Consistent
3. Caring
Negative Communcation
1. Confrontation
2. Conflict
3. Carelessness

Journal 2

Identifying Your Aydiences

1. Current students and Families

2. Staff

3. Future Students and Families

4. Neigbors

5. Vendors

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Journal 1

Hello, My name is Sharaye Williams. I am currently a student at OSU.OKC in the Early Child Care program. I am the mother of four, with only one child left at home now and I have three grandchildren. I love be around children, they are so amazing to me. I do not currently work with children, other then my own and a few in my neighborhood. I have worked for Williams-Sonoma for over 15 years, I love my job. I get along very well with others. I am taking this class as part of my major and also to learn the most I can about children.